Das hellwache Chilenische Volk war mit seinen Benzin-Bomben, Feuerwaffen und Sicherheitskräften im Anti-US-Einsatz, konnte aber gegen einen im Box-Ringrichter Stil handgreiflich ringenden Schorsch Dabbel-Ju Busch mit vibrierendem Kopf bisher nichts erreichen, denn 130 Humans wurden festgenommen, 2 Polizisten und 1 Tankwart schußverletzt. Spiegel-Eingeschaltet ["Spiegel-Online"] informiert die German People's Comrades über den Vorfall (die Vorfälle?) -- hier die GoogleTranslated Version mit eingeschobenen Vokabel-Hinweisen in eckigen Klammern:
21 November 2004, 12:20
Palpablenesses ["Handgreiflichkeiten"]
Bush frees bodyguards ["Leibwächter"] from wrangling with awake people ["Wachleuten"]
As a ringrichter separates two boxer, US president Bush interfered into a hand mixture of his bodyguards ["Leibwächter"] with Chilean safety forces ["Sicherheitskräfte"]. With the Asia Pacific summit ["Gipfel"] Bushs Bodyguards had been prevented to enter a cultural center in which their president was invited to the meal.
Santiago de Chile: Bush struggles ["ringt"] with bodyguards ["Leibwächtern"]
Santiago - George W. Bush noticed the wrangling resulting from it, when he could be photographed with his Mrs. Laura as well as the Chilean president Ricardo Lagos and its Mrs. Luisa Duran before the building. It stepped in addition and pulled one its bodyguard out of the wrangling. For one moment it looked in such a way, as if the Chilean safety people wanted to oppose the US president. But Bush went then head-vibrating ["kopfschüttelnd"] of it.
The television of the conference showed the incident, which the US uS-Praesidialamt [Amt, das ebenso präsidential wie US ist -- too complex for GoogleTranslate] with scarce words commentated: "Chilean security forceses tried to prevent the bodyguards ["Leibwächter"] of the president to accompany it. He said to them that these belong to him and the problem was solved."
In Santiago the 21 state and head of the government ["Staats- und Regierungschefs"] of the asiatic-Pacific economic council ["Wirtschaftsrates"] (Apec) met to their annual consultation on weekend. More than 50,000 humans protested in the capital Santiago de Chile against Bush. After arguments with the police there were thereby several hurt ones by stone throws and gasoline bomb ["Molotow-Cocktails"]. Two policemen and a service-station attendant ["Tankwart"] were hurt by firearms, communicated the authorities ["Behörden"]. Approximately 130 humans were arrested.
Hier die Meldung von Associated Press, die Spiegel-Eingeschaltet lediglich für die Deutschen Volksgenossen übersetzt/aufbereitet hat:
Bush Pulls Top Security Agent From Fracas
Sat Nov 20, 8:51 PM ET
SANTIAGO, Chile - President Bush stepped into the middle of a confrontation and pulled his lead Secret Service agent away from Chilean security officials who barred his bodyguards from entering an elegant dinner for 21 world leaders Saturday night.
Several Chilean and American agents got into a pushing and shoving match outside the cultural center where the dinner was held. The incident happened after Bush and his wife, Laura, had just posed for pictures on a red carpet with the host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos and his wife, Luisa Duran.
As Bush stepped inside, Chilean agents closed ranks at the door, blocking the president's agents from following. Stopping for more pictures, Bush noticed the fracas and turned back. He reached through the dispute and pulled his agent from the scrum and into the building.
The president, looking irritated, straightened his shirt cuffs as he went into the dinner. The incident was shown on APEC television.
"Chilean security tried to stop the president's Secret Service from accompanying him," said White House deputy press secretary Claire Buchan. "He told them they were with him and the issue was resolved."(Source: Associated Press via YahooNews)
Die AP-Meldung ist von 2004-11-21 02:51 CET (Eastern Time + 6 h = Central European Time), die Spiegel-Online Aufbereitung vom 2004-11-21 12:20 CET. Bei fast 10 Stunden Übersetzungsarbeit in der Hamburger "Denk"-Fabrik hätten die Eingeschaltet-Volksgenossen mindestens folgende Gelegenheiten nicht verpassen dürfen: "US-Geheimdienstführer", "Amerikanische Agenten" und "für Photos posieren". Von sonderbaren "Hemdstulpen", die der "Führer" der USA trägt einmal völlig abgesehen.
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