Freitag, 12. März 2004

Terror? Massaker? Massenmord? Nein: "Anschläge"

Leichen zählen an der Atocha-Station am Dienstag den 11. März 2004. "Drei Bahnhöfe" in Madrid (also Tausende/Millionen Menschen) wurden in der Rush Hour zum "Ziel" von Terroristen: 192 Tote, 1421 Verletzte. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident, lieber José Maria,

mit Trauer und Empörung habe ich von den schrecklichen Anschlägen in Madrid am heutigen Morgen erfahren. Ich bin entsetzt über die hohe Zahl der Toten und Verletzten.

Ich bitte dich, den Angehörigen der Opfer und dem ganzen spanischen Volk mein herzliches Mitgefühl zu übermitteln. Den Verletzten wünsche ich baldige und vollständige Genesung.

In stiller Trauer

Gerhard Schröder
Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

(Quelle: "Pressemitteilung Nr. 101", "Beileidsschreiben von Bundeskanzler Schröder an den spanischen Ministerpräsidenten Aznar"

Von Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder kann man die Vokabeln Terror, Massaker oder Massenmord offensichtlich nicht erwarten. Laut Google hat er die Vokabeln Terror / terroristisch in einem Beileidsschreiben nur zwei Mal benutzt - in seiner "Pressemitteilung Nr. 000" an Ariel Scharon wenige Wochen nach dem 11. September 2001, in dem er sich gleichzeitig an "die palästinensischen Führer" wendet und in seiner "Pressemitteilung Nr. 377" ("Das deutsche Volk steht in dieser schweren Stunde an der Seite der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.").

Allahpundit kommentiert die Morde von Madrid:

Can it be? Did the creator of worlds finally get one wrong? He feels like Bill Buckner after the goddamned ball went through his legs, except that in this case the ball is an exploded train. Oh well. True or not, you know what time it is:
Get off Allah's land, Spain!
At this moment of uncertainty, Allah is sure of only two things. One, angels helped save Ronald Reagan's life. And two, the benighted people of the world need Allah's divine guidance now more than ever. Come close and he will tell you what you must do. Mujahedeen, start thinking of a way to blame the Jew. You know how much influence they have in Iberia. Take it and run with it. Europeans? Back slowly away from your feelings of outrage when you thought caucasians were responsible and assume the position. Talk some of that shit you know Allah likes. "If only we hadn't sent troops to Iraq" or "if only a Democrat were president" or whatever. Remember, when Allah goes upside your head it's your fault for provoking him. Like with Tina and Ike. You know Allah didn't mean it, Europe; go put on something nice, baby, and Allah'll take your ass out for a steak.

Allahu Akbar.

Ze'ev Schiff weist in Haaretz darauf hin, daß Madrid nicht das Ende der Straße des Terrors ist:

Analysis / Madrid is not the end of terrorism's road

By Ze'ev Schiff

Whether Thursday's terror attack in Madrid was the work of the Basque underground or of another terrorist organization, such as Al-Qaida - or perhaps even a collaborative effort - it is clear that the massacre at the train station in Spain's capital was modeled after acts by Al-Qaida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their ilk: a massive terror attack against innocent civilians in the name of an ideology or political demand.

The modus operandi was also similar: setting off a bomb in a crowded place, or preferably several such places at once, and then afterward also trying to hit the rescue forces.

The Spanish say the Basque underground, ETA, has in the past refrained from mass terror attacks against civilians, preferring to target government officials and Spanish security personnel. But it is possible that ETA has changed its strategy, and has now decided to imitate the Islamic terror organizations. The same thing has happened in Iraq recently: Opposition groups are making every effort to hit crowds of civilians, in order to terrorize and to prove that the government cannot defend its citizens.

This method was used extensively against Israel even before the September 11, 2001 terror attack in the United States. From Israel and the U.S., it was transported to the edges of Europe - first to African nations such as Tunisia, Morocco and Kenya, then to Turkey, and Thursday to Madrid. And it is clear that Madrid is not the end of terrorism's road. Who knows where it will spread tomorrow?

Thursday's attack was a sophisticated operation that involved several steps, reminiscent of Al-Qaida's tactics. It is also clear that many people participated in it. The preparations included extensive gathering of operational intelligence, transporting the explosives and planting the bombs in several locations - something that was surely done only shortly before they went off, so that they would not be discovered. In addition, all the bombs were set off at once, after which the perpetrators quickly withdrew to a safe hiding place.

All of this denotes sophistication and extensive operational planning, attributes for which ETA has not been noted in the past. That is why the suspicion arises that either another organization was responsible, or that ETA was cooperating with a foreign terrorist organization. But the very fact that the operation was so extensive increases the chances of discovering the guilty parties.

Israelis can empathize with the horror and anguish experienced Thursday by residents of Madrid. The irony is that the Spanish media has for the last several years shown "understanding" for Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians in public places, on buses and in railway stations, and has even justified such attacks. But no political demand, however justified it might be, justifies such acts of mass murder.

What all such terror attacks have in common is the belief that some political cause or ideology justifies deliberate attacks on crowds of innocent civilians just because they are members of "the other side," the enemy. Or in other words, that there is such a thing as justifiable terrorism. However, there is no "good terror" and "bad terror." Thus when Syrian President Bashar Assad, for instance, justifies Palestinian "acts of sacrifice" (suicide bombings), he becomes a leader who supports terrorism.

Thus anyone who objects to what the terrorists did Thursday in Madrid cannot at the same time justify or overlook similar acts of terror against other nations.

(Quelle: © Haaretz 12/03/2004 04:47)

Update 2004-03-15 00:34 CET:

Wer der Begriff Selbstbezichtigung noch aus früheren Jahrzehnten kennt, kann aufatmen. Terror-Propaganda wird "endlich" und "unzensiert" von dutzenden Deutschen Medien (z.B. via "dpa" und "Reuters Deutschland") verbreitet - oder ist islamistische/islamische Massenmordrechtfertigung derzeit bereits die offizielle deutsche Staats-Position?

Das ist eine Antwort auf Eure Kollaboration mit dem Verbrecher Bush und dessen Alliierten.

(Quelle:Tagesschau, 14.03.2004 13:33 Uhr )

Weil bereits meine "Rassismus in den USA!"-Web-Seite mir inzwischen via Google hunderte verblödete/teutsche LeserInnen bescherte (und dem Ex-Streetfighter und heutigen Black-Panther-Olli mit seinen "Analysen" bereits bedrohlich nahe kommt...), läßt sich mit der Zeichenkette "Verbrecher Bush" in diesem Beitrag ein ähnlicher "Erfolg" befürchten. :-(

Update 2004-03-21 11:34 CET:

"Selbstverständlich" kein "Interesse" für folgende AP-Meldung aus den Krankenhäusern Madrids in Deutschlands Medien-"Landschaft":

The March 11 train bombings killed 202 people and wounded more than 1,800, making it Spain's deadliest terrorist attack. A total of 160 people remain hospitalized, four of them in critical condition, the Madrid regional health service said Saturday.

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