Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2004

Expropriated: Dangerous Bloggers

politburodiktat.jpg Comrade Commissar (The Politburo Diktat - Exposing Imperialist Lackeys, Capitalist Reactionaries, and Zionist Running Dogs) has issued a "DEMCOM deck of 52 playing cards to assist our troops in Blogistan to identify dangerous bloggers, regime holdouts, and hardcore Blaa-blaah-ists" on February 1, 2004. I've expropriated comrade proprietor (no one in Deutschland knews IPv4, but at least "Ei-Tee-Ler" are familiar with "Heimatseiten" over here) on popular demand (Volkswille) to support the ongoing struggle of the German People / Deutsches Volk (and of course Comrade Dean & Peace-Butcher / Friedens-Metzger Franz Becker from "Weidenhausen" & Fatwa-Mufti / Auskunfts-Gelehrter Theo Schiller) in making efforts for a peaceful future - here they are:
(the cards themselves are click-able and bring comrades directly to subversive blogs)

Dangerous Bloggers I Instapundit Allah is in the House Anti Idiotarian Rottweiler Vodkapundit King of Fools Merde in France Electric Venom On the Third Hand Jessica's Well Note It Posts Little Green Footballs Kolkata Libertarian The Politburo Diktat Captain's Quarters Blackfive - Paratrooper of Love The Command Post Jeff Jarvis BuzzMachine Dean's World Dave Barry's Blog Greatest Jeneration Healing Iraq - Zeyad Hedgehog Report - David Wissing
Dangerous Bloggers II Patterico's Pontifications Obsidian Wings The Sophorist Tom Burka - Opinions You Should Have Outside the Beltway PoliBlog Signifying Nothin Wizbang Winds of Change The Truth Laid Bear Argghhh!!! Ballon Juice blogoSFERICS Tao of Dowingba Insults Unpunished IMAO The Watcher of Weasels THe American Mind Cato the Youngest Sgt. Stryker Cold Fury Tonecluster Who Tends the Fires The Mudville Gazette
Dangerous Blogger III Dawn Olsen Daily Ablution Rantburg Citizen Smash Ipse Dixit Snooze Button Dreams
Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch den 4. Februar 2004 um 11:18 Uhr - nach oben | check xhtml
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